Read ATRF’s 2022 Annual Report

February 6, 2023

We are pleased to share ATRF’s 2022 Annual Report, Hands Firmly on the Wheel. The annual report theme this year speaks to ATRF’s ability to confidently guide the plans around any obstacles we may face, including those challenges we’ve already handled. Just like a skilled driver of any vehicle, be it a pension plan or a ship, we start our journey with the correct GPS coordinates (a solid strategy), the right crew, and the experience to steer the ship in the right direction, despite environmental factors. That’s exactly what we’ve always done – and it was particularly apparent in 2021-22.   

As a result of sound planning and strong, long-term investment performance, the funded status for the Teachers’ Pension Plan (TPP) increased to 99%, and to 108% for the Private School Teachers’ Pension Plan (PSTPP). An excellent example of the way we continue steering around obstacles can also be found in our investment results, which are central to ensuring the continued stability of our plans.  

Despite extraordinarily volatile market conditions, our long-term, risk-managed approach to investing resulted in returns above benchmarks again last year: ten-year returns were 9.0% (0.9% above benchmark); four-year returns were 6.6% (1.0% above benchmark), and although one-year returns were –1.8%, they were above benchmark by 2.3%. 

Read more about these and other highlights in this year’s report: