Pension Update June 2023
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Thank You!
ATRF conducted an online survey in May to gather feedback from members about their experience with ATRF services. In other words, what’s working and what could be improved. We want to say thank you to all members who took part in the survey. Over 10,000 members responded to the survey from across Canada and even some members living internationally. As a member, your feedback is essential in helping us continue meeting your needs and enhancing our services. Stay tuned for more information about the results of the survey!
The A's Series with the Alberta Teachers' Association
While the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) and the Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund (ATRF) collaborate on a number of things, they are separate organizations with different roles.
ATRF's Role in Investment Management
It’s been about three and a half years since the Government of Alberta announced ATRF would be required to change the way the plan’s investments are managed. That transition was completed in 2021, but we continue to get questions from members who aren’t sure what the changes mean for them and their pensions, so we wanted to give an update on where things are at and clarify how ATRF’s investment management is handled.
Send Your Documents to ATRF Using MyPension
There may be times when you need to provide confidential information to ATRF. The most convenient and secure way to send us this information is through MyPension. We introduced a new secure document upload feature that allows you to share documents or images quickly and easily. You can access this feature by signing in to your MyPension account and selecting the “Upload Documents to ATRF” function.
Understanding the Funded Statuses
Every year ATRF provides commentary on the teachers’ pension plans in the annual report. Many factors are covered including governance, contribution rates, investment results, and of course the funded statuses of the plans. When we talk about the funded status, we are referring to a measure of a plan’s financial health at a point in time. Click the link below to get more details.
Returning to Teaching After Retirement? Substituting is a Great Option
If you return to teaching after retirement under a teaching contract, there is a limit on how many days you can work without it impacting your pension (the 0.6 rule). However, substitute teaching does not have this limit and is a great option if you want to teach but don’t want to have to monitor your time.
Increasing MyPension Security
On July 4, ATRF will be enhancing the security of your MyPension account (ATRF’s online member portal) with new minimum password criteria. The next time you log in, on or after that date, you will be prompted to change your password.
Reminder About Confirmation Letters
On an ongoing basis, ATRF conducts a review to confirm that retired members and nominees are getting the proper pension payments. Not only does this confirm that the right pensions are being paid to the right recipients, it reduces the risk of your loved ones receiving (and thus having to pay back) large overpayments.