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Have some questions about your pension? We can help.

ATRF's Services

ATRF is available to answer your pension inquiries by phone, email, or the secure messaging feature on MyPension. You can also log in to your MyPension account to access a variety of self-serve tools and to schedule an appointment a pension counsellor. ATRF also offers webinars, as well as in-person presentations at teachers’ conventions. Detailed information on all of ATRF’s services can be found below.

Note: Extended health benefits are not offered by ATRF. To discuss these benefits, please contact your employer’s human resources personnel.

Personalized Appointments

In order to provide you with the most comprehensive and personalized service, and ensure all your questions are answered, ATRF is offering by-appointment meetings with pension counsellors either virtually through Zoom or in-person at our office.

Benefits of Making an Appointment

  • Appointments allow ATRF pension counsellors to familiarize themselves with your file.
  • Our counsellors can prepare personalized estimates for you, based on a variety of scenarios.
  • Appointments give you an opportunity to prepare any documentation ATRF may need to update your file or help you begin an application process.
  • Booking a meeting gives you time to prepare any questions you may have about your pension or application process.

How to Set Up a Meeting

To schedule an appointment with a pension counsellor, please sign in to MyPension and select “MyAppointment” in the member menu or call our office at 780-451-4166 or 1-800-661-9582. Our office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. The ARTF office is now open once again to members and the public for in-person services. Reception can be found on the 5th floor of Barnett House.

Some of the most popular topics that members ask us about include:

  • Reviewing their pension estimate(s) and the joint/single life pension options,
  • Exploring the option of purchasing service, and
  • Discussing the retirement application process.

Self-Serve Options

You can access the following information and services in MyPension 24 hours a day, seven days a week:

  • Personalized pension estimate
  • Plan member statement
  • Service purchase estimate
  • Update your personal contact information
  • Update your pension partner information
  • Update your beneficiary information
  • Secure messaging
  • Apply for your pension

If you haven’t registered for MyPension yet, signing up is quick and easy.

Webinars and Presentations

ATRF Webinars

ATRF hosts webinars throughout the year. Sign in to your MyPension account to see a list of scheduled webinars for active and inactive members and retired members and pension recipients. New dates and times will be added regularly.

ATA Teachers’ Conventions and Conferences

ATRF is often invited to the ATA Teachers’ Conventions and other conferences as a presenter and/or an exhibitor. Check your convention’s or conference’s website to see if and when ATRF will be presenting at your convention and be available as an exhibitor.

ATA Information Sessions

In collaboration with the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA), ATRF will present at various ATA information sessions throughout the year. Check the ATA’s event page or your ATA Local website for details on how to register.

Registering for a Webinar

To register to attend an ATRF webinar, please sign in to MyPension and select ‘Register for a Webinar’ in the Member Menu. Watch the video below for instructions.

If you need assistance creating your MyPension account, watch our registration tutorial video or visit our MyPension Online Portal page.

Types of Webinars and Presentations

ATRF offers various presentations for members of the teachers’ pension plans.

Your Pension Essentials
This presentation is designed specifically for teachers that have recently joined the plan. It provides a general overview of the plan, including information about pension contributions, maintaining your spouse/beneficiary information, the eligibility requirements for a pension, purchasing leaves of absences and substitute service, and transferring service with another pension plan.

Your Pension Matters for Substitute Teachers
This presentation is designed specifically for career substitute teachers. It provides a general overview of the plan with detailed information about the eligibility requirements to qualify for a pension and purchasing substitute service.

Steps to Receiving Your Pension
This presentation is designed specifically for teachers who are planning to retire during the current year or within the next few years. It provides detailed information about deciding to retire, the Steps to Retirement process and forms, the pension options, and post-retirement considerations.

Pension Basics for Retired Members & Recipients
This presentation is designed specifically for retired members and their surviving nominee/beneficiary who are pension recipients. It provides information about managing the pension payments, such as banking information and income taxes, as well as provisions of the plan such as cost-of-living adjustments and the 0.6 rule. Information about what happens to your pension when you pass away will also be discussed.

Purchasing Service
This presentation is designed for teachers that previously had or are planning to have an employer-approved leave or parental leave, taught or are teaching as a substitute teacher, or have other purchasable service. It provides detailed information about deciding to purchase service, the purchasing service process, and income tax implications. Duration: 30 minutes.